



Fill in the blank with the correct option.

There are "________________" slices of cake left over from the party.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Where do you think revealing raiment's, weird slang and our youths' dismaying attitudes come from?
Very obviously they are the results of attempts to emulate the western world.
Probe into the subject, delve into its various effects you will be shocked at how rapidly Western culture is corroding our culture exclusively ours, exclusively to be proud of, to rust.
These spicy sauces of Western culture surely flatter the palate, but in course of time won't they canker it too? Western countries do have desirable elements worth copying.
But are we taking in those positive elements? No, we seem to be merely diving into the external glitter of the West.
The root of all this misfortune lies in the soil nourished by the word 'modern'.
What does 'modern' mean to us?
Do we become modern by wearing outrageous clothes that make us look like aliens?
Does modernism set in by profuse use of western slang? Life for today's youth means rocketing in BMWs or piercing flesh, late night parties, and black nail enamel and red mane.
That is what a good percent of our younger generation have become, as a result of the obsessive aping of the glittering West.

What is the meaning of the word 'raiment's' used in the first line of the paragraph?

Correct! Wrong!

Out of the given options, choose the one which is the correct passive voice of the sentence given below.

Can I solve these sums?

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct option.

Each individual _____ help to stop pollution of the environment.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Where do you think revealing raiment's, weird slang and our youths' dismaying attitudes come from?
Very obviously they are the results of attempts to emulate the western world.
Probe into the subject, delve into its various effects you will be shocked at how rapidly Western culture is corroding our culture exclusively ours, exclusively to be proud of, to rust.
These spicy sauces of Western culture surely flatter the palate, but in course of time won't they canker it too? Western countries do have desirable elements worth copying.
But are we taking in those positive elements? No, we seem to be merely diving into the external glitter of the West.
The root of all this misfortune lies in the soil nourished by the word 'modern'.
What does 'modern' mean to us?
Do we become modern by wearing outrageous clothes that make us look like aliens?
Does modernism set in by profuse use of western slang? Life for today's youth means rocketing in BMWs or piercing flesh, late night parties, and black nail enamel and red mane.
That is what a good percent of our younger generation have become, as a result of the obsessive aping of the glittering West.

What would be the most appropriate Title of the passage?

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

The author's wife was a good editor, "_______________" being a great writer herself.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Where do you think revealing raiment's, weird slang and our youths' dismaying attitudes come from?
Very obviously they are the results of attempts to emulate the western world.
Probe into the subject, delve into its various effects you will be shocked at how rapidly Western culture is corroding our culture exclusively ours, exclusively to be proud of, to rust.
These spicy sauces of Western culture surely flatter the palate, but in course of time won't they canker it too? Western countries do have desirable elements worth copying.
But are we taking in those positive elements? No, we seem to be merely diving into the external glitter of the West.
The root of all this misfortune lies in the soil nourished by the word 'modern'.
What does 'modern' mean to us?
Do we become modern by wearing outrageous clothes that make us look like aliens?
Does modernism set in by profuse use of western slang? Life for today's youth means rocketing in BMWs or piercing flesh, late night parties, and black nail enamel and red mane.
That is what a good percent of our younger generation have become, as a result of the obsessive aping of the glittering West.

What does the world 'slang' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Where do you think revealing raiment's, weird slang and our youths' dismaying attitudes come from?
Very obviously they are the results of attempts to emulate the western world.
Probe into the subject, delve into its various effects you will be shocked at how rapidly Western culture is corroding our culture exclusively ours, exclusively to be proud of, to rust.
These spicy sauces of Western culture surely flatter the palate, but in course of time won't they canker it too? Western countries do have desirable elements worth copying.
But are we taking in those positive elements? No, we seem to be merely diving into the external glitter of the West.
The root of all this misfortune lies in the soil nourished by the word 'modern'.
What does 'modern' mean to us?
Do we become modern by wearing outrageous clothes that make us look like aliens?
Does modernism set in by profuse use of western slang? Life for today's youth means rocketing in BMWs or piercing flesh, late night parties, and black nail enamel and red mane.
That is what a good percent of our younger generation have become, as a result of the obsessive aping of the glittering West.

What does the phrase 'obsessive aping of the glittering West', used at the last of the paragraph suggest?

Correct! Wrong!

Out of the given options, choose the one which is the correct passive voice of the sentence given below.

Kindly do not smoke in public place.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none.

Find out which part of a sentence has an error: lf there is no error, mark your answer as ‘No error’.

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct option.

They have "______________" money, so their daughter cannot pay her tuition fees.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none.

Find out which part of a sentence has an error: lf there is no error, mark your answer as ‘No error’.

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct option.

I "_____________" caught the bus if I had hurried.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none.

Find out which part of a sentence has an error: lf there is no error, mark your answer as ‘No error’.

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct option.

You "____________" introduce yourself; he might not remember you.

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

Voting took place peacefully "_______________" most of the country.

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

He is much "_____________" me "____________" rank.

Correct! Wrong!

DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Where do you think revealing raiment's, weird slang and our youths' dismaying attitudes come from?
Very obviously they are the results of attempts to emulate the western world.
Probe into the subject, delve into its various effects you will be shocked at how rapidly Western culture is corroding our culture exclusively ours, exclusively to be proud of, to rust.
These spicy sauces of Western culture surely flatter the palate, but in course of time won't they canker it too? Western countries do have desirable elements worth copying.
But are we taking in those positive elements? No, we seem to be merely diving into the external glitter of the West.
The root of all this misfortune lies in the soil nourished by the word 'modern'.
What does 'modern' mean to us?
Do we become modern by wearing outrageous clothes that make us look like aliens?
Does modernism set in by profuse use of western slang? Life for today's youth means rocketing in BMWs or piercing flesh, late night parties, and black nail enamel and red mane.
That is what a good percent of our younger generation have become, as a result of the obsessive aping of the glittering West.

Why does the author describe the clothes as 'outrageous'?

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

They walked slowly "_______________" the woods.

Correct! Wrong!

Fill in the blank with the correct option.

"____________________" rays of sunlight pierced the smoke.

Correct! Wrong!


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